
Petabencana utilises data feeds from a number of third party sources. This endpoint allows the creation of data into the system for authorised users. Note: authentication is required to post data through the /feeds endpoint.

POST /feeds/qlue

Add a report to the system from Qlue. The following attributes are supported for Qlue reports:

Here is a simple call to POST a new Qlue report:

curl -X POST -H "X-Api-Key: API_KEY_GOES_HERE" -d '{
    "text":"A big flood",
    "location": {
        "lat": -6.149531,
        "lng": 106.869342
}' "https://data.petabencana.id/feeds/qlue"

Report was successfully created:

  "post_id": 1234567802,
  "created": true

The request was successful however the report already exists:

  "post_id": 1234567802,
  "created": false,
  "message": "1234567802 already exists in reports table"

Last updated